renjun radio

archives by huangisyellow



乐动首尔 akdong seoul

仁 D
2019.08.05 ~ 2020.10.11

# 再见 仁 D,你好 仁俊

RenD after/before work live
> vlive
> yizhibo/weibo live

where to listen to previous episodes
[ tbs eFM 乐动首尔 ]

poddbang podbbang
ximalaya site 喜马拉雅

summary/highlights of every renra episode

200601 - monday (我们的小树洞)

renjun :
i forgotten the story lmao ill add it in later
"i feel like.....confidence is really important. i hope you can be more confident in yourself. you can (try) to tell yourself 'i love myself, im confident'....something like that.

for a fan who dislike their university life, wants to be an air stewardess, wants to give up studying cause they dont like the course they took but parents dont allow

"if you really want to be an air stewardess, you can try to search up more stuffs about it. and then....realistically, make a choice. instead of saying you want to give up on your studies to become an air stewardess...this and need to think of the bigger picture. only then you'll be able to make your parents support you without worrying"

guozhen : "you must first plan accordingly, and have enough reasons to persuade your parents to support you"

renjun :
fan is worried for their upcoming test because last time they worked really hard on their test but the results they got were not good

"first of all...dont be scared. worrying will only make you.....(make it) worse. so don't think too much about it.

"hopefully you'd be able to to bring out the mindset like 'i can do it because i've worked hard' 'this time i will score better than last time' when taking the test. i think that'll be better"

fan has a crush on a guy, thinks he's really good looking, excel at many things etc, and find herself really plain/ordinary. dont dare to confess

"i feel like expressing your own feelings are really important. and also, dont think that 'oh he's so good looking and im so plain'. dont think that way. 'he's really good looking, and i'm also a special person', you need to think this way instead. if you think you're plain, then you can only be plain. you need to first appreciate yourself, only then will others appreciate you. this is a really important point"

"because if you respect yourself, then only will others respect you as well"

"i hope this friend here will start from loving themselves first. from the word 'plain' to the word 'special'.

200602 - tuesday (音乐波浪线)
this episode is viewable radio

200603 - wednesday (random chart)

200604 - thursday (top of 乐动首尔)

200605 - friday (偶像日记)

200606 - saturday (我的私房歌单)

renjun :
a listener talked about how a lot of things rend said on renra has given them a lot of strength

"how do i say this...actually everytime i say something here..although im working hard (in my life), but indeed there's a lot more people out there whoo has experienced a lot more compared to me. that's why i'm very careful everytime i say something here...even though (sometimes) what i say here is even so, the reason why i say it out is because...isn't there people out there who feel the same way? i hope everyone experiencing such things won't feel tired mentally and physically. i just want to tell you guys beforehand about these things...just...hope that we all could live happily abit more. this kind of feeling?"

200607 - sunday (光影乐电台)

renjun :
"lately i like the word 'slowly slowly' even more. slowly slowly walk..slowly slowly enjoy the scenery...slowly slowly do many things! slowly slowly, everything will be better"

"in this fast pacing lifestyle, there are times where we need to slow down a little. to experience the surroundings more, to give yourself more time to think"

the movies today - Sunny (2011) korean movie, You Are The Apple Of My Eye (2011) taiwanese movie

renjun :
sunny (2011)
"the most memorable part of the movie is when both the seven princesses and their opponent are fighting. all the funny/memorable catch phrases are from that fight as well"

renjun :
you are the apple of my eye (2011)
"in the the end there...a red apple appeared. idk why hhh but it left a deep impression on me. this apple hhhh"

"does anyone remember the classic scene in the movie? this movie....actually at the end, there was a twist of turn of events. many people said the last ten minutes of the movie is only the climax of the movie hhh"

" high school...i feel like... like what you just said, cause after's like another feeling. and you need to be responsible for many more things too"

200608 - monday (我们的小树洞)

renjun :

listener's roommates are night owls and she can't sleep/rest well at night because of the keyboard sounds, she's afraid to talk to them about it because she's scared they'll end up argueing

"tell your friends to them nicely to deal with this"

fan and her boyfriend has been dating for about two years and their relationship has been really stable so far. but she's about to graduate and her parents asked her to find a job back in their hometown to settle down. she and her boyfriend will end up being in a long distance relationship and she doesn't know how well it'll turn out for the long run cause her boyfriend won't be coming with her and the distance between both their cities are really far, she doesn't know what to do

"because i'm not in that idk how important this relationship is to her and also how important that job is to her. i'm unsure of it but what i want to say is, you have to think this throughly. like for me, (i'll think if) this relationship is something i've never had before, it's THAT important OR is this job even more important to me. there will be something that's even more important. with can put down one of it, and choose 'that' "

fan is always following her mum's plans for her, is really controlling with her life. she's been living with it since young but now that she's older (she's in university now and she has been following her mum's plans for her since forever), she realises it's not healthy. she wants to put an end to this but she doesn't really have a dream, or know what to do since she's always following her mum's plans for her

"last time...i also have many friends who has yet to figure out their dreams. they also don't know what they like to do. but actually...i once read this book... there's a lot of celebrities book in our company, and i read this book about 'Coco Chanel' talked about her entire life. when i read this book, i realised that she might have not like to design/create clothes since the start. she started making hats first, but she didn't do it because she likes to do it. it just somehow happened. her friend saw it and thought it was really nice and so she ended up making more since. so....she also succeeded in making her brand bigso...what i want to say is, everyone might not have something they want to do, but you might have the talent for it. it's just that you have yet to discovered it. so you need to interact with more people, more things. you need to try more things"

"your mum probably did that because she wants the best for you..but you must consider your future dreams. i believe your mum will support you as well"

200609 - tuesday (音乐波浪线)

renjun :
"i feel like the most exciting part in camping do i say this....the bonfire! can roast some food to eat....then at night, when it’s kinda cold, light up the fire, roast some food, chit chat..."

"and add on hotpot then it'll be perfect"

super junior's k.r.y concert

"among that big crowd...i was one of them too. i remember that time i was a trainee...i went before once. that time i was really surprised by sunbaes' voice.

yandi: "did u make up ur mind then that you must stand on that stage too?"

renjun :
"yayayaya hhhh it’s like theater...the feeling. when you listen to each of their voice, waaaa it was really...this voice is sooo pretty."

" it was really great. and also!! the fans were all singing along too, i felt like it was really...waaa, the atmosphere was really great"

200610 - wednesday (random chart)
this episode is viewable radio

200504 - monday (我们的小树洞)

renjun :
"actually i experienced this before for a period of time, like i would change myself according to someone's else's really tiring. then i realised...that's not renjun. it's really tiring. i think just be yourself, love yourself....only then you'll shine more"

"for this....i think you should try organising all your grades and choose the safest path. and this 'safest path' is only kept as an option. then you can give yourself some time to think what you want to do. and if you still can't decide, you can try going for the 'safest path' "

care too much about how people think of you

"everyone probably experienced this at least once before right? i used to be like that too. but it was really tiring. i thought as long as i change to please them, they'll be happy. but because of my lack of 'personality', they dislike me even more. so i thought to myself, why did i betray myself for others? then i ended up liking myself more. and focus more on myself. i think i shine even better like this. that's how i deal with it"

listener's good friend likes this guy, but this guy like her (the listener), and she told her friend she don't like him back, but after awhile she ended up liking this guy back too

"if i'm this listener...first i'll consider who's more important between this friend of mine and this person i like. cause regardless of what you choose, no one can tell you what choice of yours is right. cause they can't control you. and it's your you need to see whether you hold more importance of this relationship you have with this guy or your friendship. i feel like there's definitely one (option) which you hold more importance of. but there's also a chance where all three of you would be able to remain as good friends too"

200505 - tuesday (音乐波浪线)

renjun :
talking about ridin' mv jeno fire part
nct dream's ridin' at 0:25

"actually the fire...he really dipped alcohol on his hand and lit the fire up. the entire duration was about two seconds...."

"but actually it's not burning his hand, it's the alcohol.....and it'll blow away quickly so it won't burn the hand. he did mention it felt really hot tho"

renjun also said that he tried the fire part as well. they poured the alcohol in a circle and he stood in the middle and then lit the fire up! he said he felt like he was being burnt but it was only for a short while. the scene was a NG and they didn't retake it so it didnt make it to the mv

nct dream's debut song, chewing gum kr ver
nct dream's debut song, chewing gum chn ver

"when you first hear the song, you'll find it cute...when actually when we first heard the was actually sexy. cause before we record the song we have to listen to the original ver (demo) was actually sexy. it became cute after the rearrangement"

200506 - wednesday (random chart)

renjun :
"the most memorable one to me is...when i was young...we went to this place called 江南公园, it's a park nearby our place there...after we went there, from what i could recall, the park was about to's around around the time the sun was setting. from my memory, my mum was wearing a white dress, really pretty. then i took the mini rings (套圈) know how there's games i won a wooden comb (from the game), and we sat on the wooden chair (bench) there and play with it together"

"i was around 7-8 years old?"

lanlan : "then you could remember what your mum wore?"

renjun :
"but my mum told me she wore a black dress...then i said, wasnt it white?? then she said she thinks it's black...."

200507 - thursday (top of 乐动首尔

renjun :
"if you want to change your life, the first step is to change your mindset. as long as your mindset is right, then your world will be bright. for a dark thursday (today), i hope akdong seoul could be your light"

jisung did a vlive before renra and he said he was on renjun's bed and fans told renjun on renra

"jisung on my bed.....doing a live?? why don't i know about this hhh jisung i'll see you later in the dorms"

renjun said he came across the song 'if the world was ending' from akdong seoul

200508 - friday (偶像日记)
this episode is viewable radio

renjun :
"not only is today friday, it's also parents' day in korea, viewable radio day, and also!! the day we, nct dream got first place in music show!!"

"actually for jun (svt), about his acting...i knew that he started acting since he was young. he's really good at it"

longjun : "from the comments i found out that renjun and him (jun) are good friends?"

renjun :
"how did you....yea! i met him not long after i debut, and we kept in contact from time to time since then. i knew that he acted before and such but i've never seen the shows he acted on before. because between friends....when you watch them feels awkward...but i knew that his acting is really good"

renjun mentioned that he watched sky castle before

renjun :
"i suddenly remembered this tv's called 'home with kids' (家有儿女). cause in this show....there's this 刘星 (character's name)...really left a deep impression on me. and 夏雪 (another character's name)...both of them are always nitpicking each other...this kind of image....i find it really funny. cause this show when you watch it it gives off a cozy feeling..and it's really suitable to be in those family series kinda show"

"this show came on tv often when i was i watched it often"

"historical drama...i actually do want to try to challenge it. but i don't know whether it'll suit me...but even so i should try it first"
he meant he want to try acting in a historical drama

200509 - saturday (我的私房歌单)

renjun :
the song 'beautiful time' by nct dream

"in our concert, this was being performed at the very end. and then we'd get to see czennies singing together with us, and we can hear them too. at that time...when i heard them singing...waaaa.....really nice. when you hear so many people singing together at once, you'll only hear one voice. and then you'll wonder, who's voice is this? this'll never forget it. it's really beautiful"

the song 'annabelle's homework'

"at first when i heard the name...i was wondering whether it's the 'annabelle' that i know of....the one from the movie"

" really a beautiful colour"

"tbh i find it fascinating. cause everyone's favourite colour is different. and i also don't remember when did i start liking the colour yelllow. i just have been liking the colour yellow all these whlie"

"as of now, i dont really have a favourite colour anymore. i think they're all pretty. but if i have to choose, i still think yellow is better"

200510 - sunday (光影乐电台)

the movies today - Avatar (2009), Extreme Job (2019) korean movie

renjun :
"the movie avatar....i've watched it plently of times already...but i still feel like watching it again"

the song 'i see you' by leona lewis

"cause this song was played at the end of the i suddenly remembered how it was like when i was in the cinema. cause i (was) feeling a bit unwilling (to leave) after watching such an interesting movie. i have this feeling everytime i finished a movie. i find it a pity.... i wanna continue watching it. that kind of feeling. so everytime i listen to this song, i have this 'it's a pity' kinda feeling. it's really fascinating. i think this is the power of music. it'll make you think of the image (of that moment) when you listen to it"

"the song played just now was 'adiemus' by adiemus! did you feel like we're going to avatar's world? the pandora planet! those who are driving and suddenly heard this song...don't be surprised. cause this song is the ost of avatar..which is the movie we're talking about today"

renjun said avatar 2 is worth to be anticipated. cause the director (cameron)'s work gives off a really good imaginative feeling

no special commentary for the movie 'extreme job' from renjun, mostly the guest dj talking

200511 - monday (我们的小树洞)

renjun :
"i feel like i've gained weight lately....cause when i weighed myself i found out my weight increased and also i feel like my bone-y face also gained some fats"

"cause last time i'm more towards the 'skinny' type. but lately...seems like i've become a lot more healthier"

guozhen : "last time didn't you feel like no matter how much you eat you don't gain weight?"

renjun :
"yea, but maybe it's because i exercise last time.... lately i only eat without exercising"

"actually..i don't like the feeling where i opened my eyes and have to immediately go out. so i'll set my alarm an hour before, so when i wake up i'll see (the time) and go 'oh? i still can sleep for an hour more', then i'll feel a lot happier"

"i feel like whether siblings are close or not, it actually depends on their personality. even if they're kinda awkward or not that close...there's actually nothing.......cause everyone has people that they're close to. i feel like time will resolve everything. don't be envious of others (who has a good relationship w their siblings), cause they also have their own worries"

fan has always been close with this friend of hers even though they're from different uni course. but one day all of a sudden, someone from the same course as her friend started joining them. at first she didn't think too much, and felt like a three person friend group isn't bad as well. but she started feeling like she's being left behind. she's not the expressive type so she can't express herself well. she knows they're not doing this on purpose but she still feels very stuffy inside

"actually someone close to me actually had the same concern last time. i feel like at times like this...cause three person friend group.... there's nothing you can do about it. i'm not saying it won't work out, but if it's already to this point then you...don't force yourself into their circle. just naturally....when you guys are having fun together, you have fun. i feel like at times like this, the focus shouldn't be how you three should maintain your 'good' friendship but to focus more on your own life"

"cause....friends are...friends. it need to be natural. you can't be must cling onto this friend. it'll only worsen your friendship. just naturally....if you guys are close then close. but if it doesn't work out, you can't do anything about it. cause we still have many good people out there for you to meet. i hope you can focus more on yourself, focus more on your lifestyle, experience a lot more and learn many new things! cause they'll help you in the future"

fan has a crush on this guy and she also hinted to him that she likes him. he never rejected her directly/indirectly before. she thinks he's a pretty responsible person and perhaps he's just unsure of it. he is always taking good care of her etc so she thought he just wants to know each other/get along even better for now.
"but recently, i found out he just had a girlfriend last week. but he still treats me the same as before, as caring as before. so now idk what to do"

"i feel this guy's perspective, he's not good at rejecting others, but he also don't want to accept you. cause she said he still treats her the i guess if we see it from his perspective......"

guozhen : "but then i feel like this kind of person, two words"
(two words = 渣男 jerk)

renjun :
"OKOK......cause the comment section is like that as well. but if we see it from the girl's perspective....really really angry"

"i feel like... if you don't have any feelings for this person, you need to learn how to reject. you need to reject them well so they'll understand. regardless what kind of relationship it is.....or else it'll never end well"

"i see the comment section saying 'SIS, THROW HIM AWAY/GIVE UP ON HIM' hhhhh"

"but really....this kind of person, better to let go"

"people like them are not worth being sad for, so we better listen to akdong seoul, improve our mentality, improve ourselves more and become a better person, and accept an even better person into our life"

fan has really low confidence. even when she's with her friends, she don't dare to speak up about her opinion

"you keep holding in your must've been really hard on you. i once heard this story before. in a bathtub full of water, you take a ball and use all your strength to push it down. at the start, the ball won't come up. but once you get tired and let go, the ball comes up immediately. so instead of changing your own personality, instead of holding everything in, why not just tell yourself 'this is me'. whatever you want to say, just say it out. cause if you guys are friends, that means both of you are equals. you need to respect each other's opinions. so i advise you to say what you want to say"

200406 - monday (我们的小树洞)

200309 - monday (仁D为你打call)

renjun :
"a book that's memorable to me and a book i would recommend is 'Courage to be Disliked' korean ver"

"my goal is to be productive everyday! for me, im not the type who's very excited about my birthday. birthday is more just like...sing the cake..being thankful to my parents for having me and also for my fans' support"

200310 - tuesday (音乐波浪线)

there are audio messages from renjun's cfans as his birthday support from this episode onwards, until the end of march

renjun :
"first of all..i want to thank you all for this surprise!! tbh im really shocked and touched. im really thankful.... i feel like i shouldnt say anymore" (he sounded like he was gonna cry TAT)

".... i didnt expect to hear it again in the second section (of the radio)! and i really didnt expect to have smtg such as an audio message...and hearing fans saying fighting to me in my headphones...really thank you guys for this"

200311 - wednesday (乐有不同)

renjun :
"even if life gives you thousand reasons to cry, you need to find at least one reason to smile"

200312 - thursday (top of 乐动首尔)

renjun :
"feeling tired is really something you can't avoid. but (even so), we still need to hold on and continue to work hard in order to achieve our goals"

"the only thing you can do is work hard. you can't just wait for an opportunity to come. you can only grab the chance when it appeared, but you can't just only wait for it"

"the moment you start comparing yourself with others, you will start feeling like you're the most unluckiest person on earth. there's so many people in this world and there will always be someone better. healthy comparing is fine as it could motivate you to be better, but if you continue to always compare yourself with others you'll end up feeling like you'll always be below others no matter how hard you've worked"

renjun :

renjun said he read before this book called 'Who Moved My Cheese?' (谁动了我的奶酪)

"it says that we shouldn't rest, we need to always be prepared to move forward. when a car's engine is cooled down, it's hard to warm it up again. it must always be warm, you need to hold on and continue to push forward"

renjun : "have you ever felt like you're being left behind?"
wenrui : "yes...right now. because now we're back to this topic.. this reality topic. all my friends are getting married"
renjun : "ahh...this...then did you try to do anything about it? did you work hard to find someone you love to marry? (jokingly tone)
wenrui : huang renjun, do you know? this topic is really hopeless. there's many things such as studying where you can work hard to achieve results. for's like you're holding onto sand and the tighter you hold, the easier it'll slip away and it'll make you even more anxious"
renjun : "as for this...i dont really understand this feeling. but i do believe that as long as you do you, one day, you'll fine someone. so dont be too anxious about it"

renjun :
"i also agree that willpower is really important. no matter what, if you don't have the will to do so, it wouldn't last. constantly taking breaks in the middle, it'll make continuing harder. by having perseverance, you'll feel like you'll really be able to do anything until the end"

"dont rush things. slowly and steadily accordingly to your own pace and you'll make it. i think as long as you dont rush things then it'll be fine"

"there are times where you'll feel like you're slower compared to others. at times like these you'll feel like you're not good enough. but i think being slightly slower compared to others is fine. being able to push through till the end is what matters the most. and i think as long as you dont give up halfway then it's fine"

200210 - monday (仁D为你打call)

200120 - monday

191223 - monday

191125 - monday

191028 - monday

190930 - monday

190902 - monday
190903 - tuesday
190904 - wednesday
190905 - thursday

190805 - monday
190806 - tuesday
190807 - wednesday
190808 - thursday
190809 - friday

190812 - monday
190813 - tuesday
190814 - wednesday
190815 - thursday
190816 - friday

190819 - monday
190820 - tuesday
190821 - wednesday
190822 - thursday
190823 - friday

190826 - monday
190827 - tuesday
190828 - wednesday
190829 - thursday
190830 - friday